We are absolutely committed to the inerrant and infallible Word of God as our guide in all things. Our teaching reflects this priority as we seek to exposit the Scriptures as the core of how we teach week to week. We believe all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for living, and we submit ourselves to the study and application of the Word of God.
Jesus's last prayer was that His disciples “would be one” as He and the Father and the Spirit are one, “so that the world may know that You sent Me”. We are very “diligent to preserve the unity” of our fellowship because that expression of oneness brings much glory to God and goodness to others. Unity does not trump “essential” truth, but it does trump “non-essential” truth; we are very intentional to have this as a priority in our fellowship.
We love the idea of being in community with each other and sharing much of life together. We are also aware of how complicated and busy life can be and so we seek to minimize the amount of church activities that take people out of their home. Additionally, we enjoy doing activities as family groups and thus don’t want to compete with family life, but rather complement it.
We believe that the main picture of “church” is family (1 Tim 3:15). A church should function and be led as a family. The same rich and hard things that make up an authentic family also make up an authentic church. We place a high priority of connecting relationally and sharing life together.
We believe our call is to be an expression of Life to others outside our fellowship and we are committed to taking the gospel to others. We serve and support ministries in our community that reach out to the needs of people locally while also fostering a “world mission mindset” among our people by encouraging and implementing mission trips outside our immediate area as well.
We believe we are to “grow up into all aspects into Him who is our head” and that the church’s primary target each week in our services is “equipping the saints” for the work of service. So we conduct our services with the aim of growing the saints. Out of that growth, the saints do the work of ministry both within the church and also in the various spheres of life in which they live.